Nitish Joshi

Nitish Joshi

会员编号:206 || 2019年7月20日加入HRIQ

Member ID:206  Since 20/7/2019(d/m/y)

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male, 2004

Pune, Maharashtra, India

male, 2004

Pune, Maharashtra, India


Tennis, German, Electric Bike Manufacturing

Tennis, German, Electric Bike Manufacturing


English, German, Hindi, Marathi

English, German, Hindi, Marathi


German A1

German A2

German A1

German A2


AdSub Test (Opal Quest Group) IQ: 131 (sd 15)
Advanced Intelligence Test IQ: 131 (sd 15)
Alphabet Test (Opal Quest Group) IQ: 153 (sd 15)
COSMIC Test (Opal Quest Group) IQ: 142 (sd 15)
Color Psi (Psychic Test) Raw: 4 (out of 5)
ILLUSION Test (Opal Quest Group) IQ: 163 (sd 15)
OASIS Test (Opal Quest Group) IQ: 135 (sd 15)

AdSub Test (Opal Quest Group) IQ: 131 (sd 15)
Advanced Intelligence Test IQ: 131 (sd 15)
Alphabet Test (Opal Quest Group) IQ: 153 (sd 15)
COSMIC Test (Opal Quest Group) IQ: 142 (sd 15)
Color Psi (Psychic Test) Raw: 4 (out of 5)
ILLUSION Test (Opal Quest Group) IQ: 163 (sd 15)
OASIS Test (Opal Quest Group) IQ: 135 (sd 15)


AtlantIQ Society
CATHOLIQ High IQ Society
Guild of Advanced Multiple Mental Aptitudes - High IQ Society
Magnus High IQ Society
Misty Pavilion High IQ Society
Myriad High IQ Society
Odysseus4Gifted High IQ Society
Prudentia High IQ Society
Society of Advancing Requirements (SOAR)

AtlantIQ Society
CATHOLIQ High IQ Society
Guild of Advanced Multiple Mental Aptitudes - High IQ Society
Magnus High IQ Society
Misty Pavilion High IQ Society
Myriad High IQ Society
Odysseus4Gifted High IQ Society
Prudentia High IQ Society
Society of Advancing Requirements (SOAR)

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